July 4, 2020

Greetings Brethren,

Hope all of you are faring well during these trying times, as we patiently await the return of our Lord and Savior.  We thank our Heavenly Father for continuing to protect us, and bless all those who are His. It’s comforting to know that He has placed us in the hands of our Elder Brother, and says that “none” will be lost, bar the son of perdition.  And also quite comforting is Romans 8:28 where we are told that “All” things (not some things, not most things, not many things, but “All” things) work together for good to those who love God, and are called, according to His purpose.  So let us not lose hope or be discouraged during this time of worldly chaos and instability.  But rather let us utilize and exercise our faith. Let us rejoice and be glad, because our Lord is soon to return.  He tells us He comes quickly, and Bible prophesy is being fulfilled right before our eyes.  The Beast power is soon to be in charge of this earth, and also soon after to be destroyed at the return of our Lord and His Saints.

Greetings from Kenya, where your impoverished brethren thank you from the bottom of their hearts for assisting them during this time of drought, floods, famine and pestilence.  We here at Kenya Hands of Hope continue to distribute assistance to those in need, especially the “True” widows and orphans.

We recently visited a small group in Lolunga where we had a Bible study, partook of a meal together, and also distributed maze amongst them to share.  They were highly appreciative being they have been going with little to eat.  This group was part of the forced evictions of thousands of people from the Mau Forest back in July 2018.

We also met with another remote group outside of Bomet, Kenya.  We had a Bible study, and also partook of a meal together of rice and tea.  The Brethren send you their Highest Greetings.

Now let me report on Kelvin and his five siblings.  They are doing well, and now (thanks to you donors) are living quite comfortably in their new house.   We were Also able to install a solar panel which provides them with lights during the night, and gutters to catch rain water which empties into a 500 liter tank.

Kelvin and his five siblings: Samuel, Brian, Goduin, Dancan and Boniface.
In this picture you can see the boys standing in front of the toilet and shower, the kitchen with the opening on top of roof to let the smoke out as they cook with wood, the house in the background with the solar panel on the roof, and gutters which collect rain water and fill the holding tank in far left corner.
Kelvin & Siblings new House.

You donors have built this orphaned family a wonderful home, and eased their suffering tremendously, a sure sign of that pure and undefiled religion spoken of in James 1:27.

I received the following letter from Kelvin:

“Am Kelvin Omweri, the elder boy in a family of six boys, we have been struggling a lot for more than two years, in getting food, shelter, clothing and education. 

Actually, God is great in every aspect, from nowhere, God connected me with Pastor Bill Goff through Nehemiah.  Our lovely donors and pastor Bill Goff, you have made us, as a orphaned family proud. 

Great thanks for the good home, you have built us,a big house with a sizable sitting room and two bed rooms, a big Kitchen and a toilet with a shower room. Thanks also for the tank that collects rain water, and the solar energy that produces enough lights during night.  

You God fearing people have given us a future hope, and through you, we know that our tomorrow will be greater than today. Praise God for your good works.

May the Lord God take good care of you financially and health wise, more especially in this hard time of this pandemic. 

Let Lord God Continue to bless the work of your hands. 

Thank you very much.
Kelvin Omweri.”

What a joy it is to see the smile on these children’s faces, they were suffering tremendously, but now, thanks to you donors, they are doing so much better.  And they are also hard at work.  When Nehemiah went to visit them yesterday, he found them busy digging the ground and growing Nebia grass (for feeding cows) which they will eventually harvest and sell.  Their lives have been turned around in every way.

Growing Nebia Grass to sell after harvesting.


The boys are overjoyed to have their own Bible.  We provided them with a “New Kings James” version, and a child’s Bible Story book.  As you can see in the picture above, they are loving it.  Nehemiah said when he gave to them, they began reading and wouldn’t put it down.

Carrying water back from the river for washing clothes. Each 20 liter container weighs just over 44 lbs., these children are very strong, and very hard workers.

We also have good news about those children who’s chiggers were removed.  They are healing up quite well, and now wearing shoes. Some of them are pictured below.

The following picture was just taken at the orphanage, as you can see your children are growing up very fast. They send thanks to all of you who have been supporting them.  They are aware that you have been sacrificing in order to help and assist them, and they appreciate it Very much. They pray for all of you that our Heavenly Father will keep you and protect you, especially during these troublesome times in which we are living.

Life here at the orphanage for us adults, continues to be a bit challenging.  We are constantly threatened by the authorities.  They continue to trouble us as if we are the enemy, constantly making surprise visits and complaining that we don’t have this form or that form properly filled out, or something else.  Always looking to find some fault with us.  The other day they stormed the orphanage, even carrying weapons.  So your prayers are much appreciated.  We also pray for us to be good stewards.  As you know we disperse funds according to priority, and often times find it very challenging deciding who needs the assistance most, and at the same time trying to make sure we have sufficient funds to carry on.  But I must say that our Father continues to stretch the funds that we receive, and we thank Him for that.

And speaking of funds, please be patient concerning receipts.   I normally send them out as soon as I return to the States, but my return flight has been cancelled three times now due to the pandemic.  I have been in Kenya four Months, currently rebooked to return on July 13th.  I’m praying that flight doesn’t get cancelled because my wife Marie is in ill health, and in need of my help.  We live alone in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.   Your prayers are much appreciated, but most importantly, let us pray “Thy Kingdom Come”.  Nothing is more important than that.  And thankfully we see that Kingdom rapidly approaching.

Your brother in Christ.
Bill Goff