February 25, 2007

Voice in the wilderness Church of God
February 25, 2007Dear brethren,

Receive much greetings from us here in this office of our lord and savior Jesus Christ in Kitengela, Kenya. We believe this far God has been caring for all of you, and is continuing with his project of developing His character in us. We are very thankful to Him, for choosing and revealing to us the good and true life,
which we need to be practicing in this physical life.
Our Lord wants us to continually remember everything He is teaching us so that as He told Joshua, “ We may be careful to do according to his word”. It is this that we wish to remind everyone of you and awaken your desire to continue striving for. This is what we should continually be thinking about (See Deut. 6:48). It is what we should be discussing in our fellowships every time we sit together. For it is making it our behavior, and general way of living, which will qualify us for the kingdom.
Brethren, lets all be on watch for a very crafty design by satan the devil through which he has almost succeeded in substituting that true effort with a totally different thing. For surely, when people meet for fellowship these days, or give report concerning others elsewhere, we’re hearing too much of disqualifying rejective, and ignorant complaints.
The fellowship has changed from, the one about the kingdom of God and the life there in, to one about people and self. So, Satan has unawares diverted our concern from the spiritual back to the physical, which we showed to forsake at baptism. What you are reading here is a trumpet sound, a watchman’s voice alerting every one of us, concerning this evil design. Brethren, I believe we are all aware of the nearness of Christ’s second coming to usher in the kingdom of God and to bring an end to this evil
He has therefore, and continues to, reveal the pure truth to everyone who would listen, because he wants every one of us to differentiate between God’s life, and the life of Satan. This is because, His loudest cry to His people now is to come out of Babylon, which is actually to abandon every behavior of this world, that the coming kingdom may find us blameless and ready for its entry.
Knowing that everyone of us will be judged according to his/ her own deed, why instead of continuing, each to examine himself or herself, are we examining other people? What did God say we should do if we see somebody doing the wrong thing? He says, “ The mistakes that the men of old committed where recorded for our sake, that we may not repeat the same – 1 Cor. 10:6” Do we here that? If you see me doing the wrong thing, it means that you know what is right. Don’t repeat the mistake. Do what is
right, then, after you’ve done what is right (removing the log in your eye), Christ says, “If your brother sins, tell him alone (not telling others first) – Luke. 17:3.
But the Satan’s design has left us rejoicing in talking about others failures and fighting for self – support, so much that it is what people are calling fellowship these days, By this, we have stopped to train spiritually and therefore, are not reading ourselves for Christ. This pointer is to those who care and desire to be in God’s kingdom. Come out of that practice and begin to strive to think, feel, talk and do according to scriptures as a
person, whether others are doing or not.
Lets shrive also to come out of self, which is so much blinding in its desire for physical dependence, that is, people’s support and material dependence. The time of “ no buying neither selling,” is very near. If we don’t learn to trust God now, will we make it during that time? Think about it if you can please. Let everyone of us pray for this work that God may enable all of us to succeed in accomplishing what Christ expects of us. Above all things, lets watch by the truth please.
May the peace of God abide in as many as do love this way.
Yours in Christ’s service
Waema J. Mutulu