April 25, 2008

Tending The Flock

Dear Brethren,

Greetings from us here in Nairobi, hope all is well with you out there. Over sometime in the past, we have been discussing on how we can best hearken to Christ’s command to preach the gospel and to feed the flock in preparation for Christ’s second coming.

At last, we saw that it was by having sound-minded coordinators who are also spirit-filled, who can in turn further the knowledge in their respective regions by teaching the brethren. This we did beginning from last Friday when we held our first coordinators meeting which saw the brethren from Nairobi, Eastern and Coast regions gathered together at Kwale, a region in the coast. We had four coordinators and six members who happened to be near our place of meeting.

The meeting was kick-started with an opening letter and a message from our international overseer, brother Bill Goff, which focused on Jesus as a physical man as we are. It really set the stage for what we had to learn the rest of the week.

We have at many times thought that Christ and the Prophets were extra ordinary people. But the message showed how they were mere men as we are, with all the physical weaknesses that we have today.

At this point, the message went ahead and showed how they overcame, how it was God who supplied them with the power to overcome; something He wants to do to us if only we believe. This made us to question why the Prophets and the Apostles referred to God in everything. When they succeed in anything, they used to praise God; when they wish to do anything, they used to ask God for a way forward; when they were scared, they used to cry to God. Yes, whatever thing, they would not do without consulting with God first. We wondered why. We discovered it was because they knew the source of their power. This is why they never attributed anything to themselves because they knew it to be from God.

At this point, we came to our core theme of the seminar, that of learning to be servants and not leaders in a worldly way. We said, “If the power to do everything is God’s, how can we go ahead and boast above others, how can we go ahead and praise men for it?”

It is here we began to show how God is working in every one of us and that all of us are equal. We saw how we should strictly see God and not men. We saw how our gathering should be strictly because we are seeing the truth in each other and not because of any other human reason. If one doesn’t have the truth, then we saw how we can’t fellowship with such, since our interest in each other is the Christ dwelling in each one of us and not ourselves as persons.

Lastly, we were able to go through the basic gospel, from the time of the kingdom of God on this earth under Lucifer to our time. We saw how the scriptures are God’s voice, teaching us what the true life is, which, if we accept will pull us out of the deception which we have formerly followed as life. We showed this to be the reason why we are very strict with what is written, because, outside the scriptures are man-made theories which are lies and are additions to God’s law which is a sin.

The last day saw us going round the village and talking to the brethren and answering some questions from those who find our church to be a strange one. We concluded the meeting with a renewed strength to go back and use the knowledge we’ve acquired in strengthening the brethren.

In a week’s time, God willing, we intend to continue with these seminars. This time, we intend to hold a second one that will combine coordinators from the Rift Valley, Western Kenya and Tanzanian regions. We request the prayer of all of us that God may continue to enable us as he has done.

Good news: A new family of six that was formerly Catholics has believed the gospel and is now fellowshipping with us, beginning from last Sabbath. Our Coordinator Elijah will be visiting them every Sabbath and help them study the bible better. The work of God is doing very well and we are very thankful to all of you who are devoted in helping in its success.

May God’s grace be with everyone. Mutulu


E-Mail:  U.S.A.  Goffb50@AOL.COM