September 4, 2017

Sengera House Orphanage

Greetings Brethren,

Let us honor and praise our Heavenly Father for uniting us in love and charity, as we continue working together, helping to ease the suffering of our impoverished brethren living here in E. Africa. August was a trying month for us, but thanks to those of you who have been donating to Kenya Hands of Hope “KHOFH” (and the blessings of our Almighty Creator) the Month has ended quite well. I am very happy to report that all 16 of the church orphans living in Sengera House are now back in school beginning another term. Thanks to your donations, we were able to pay the 102,000/- Kenya Schilling ($1,200) total tuition fees for all the children living at the orphanage. (Receipt posted below.) KHOFH also paid tuition fees for another church orphan Mary Bius (a member of the Nyamaruma church group.) We have also continued to assist numerous true widows from various cog groups scattered around Kenya, with food, and with seeds for planting.

You donors are doing a wonderful work, good works that are glorifying our Father in Heaven. We also want to thank those of you who have donated Bibles (and reading glasses) what a wonderful gift to give our poverty-stricken brethren. We have distributed Bibles donated by Lucian Bradley in Florida, Elizabeth Philbrick in New Hampshire, and more (please forgive me if I’m forgetting some of those who donated, fortunately our Father’s memory is infallible.) the brethren also want to thank Marilee Abbott for taking the time to hand make so many covers for the Bibles that were distributed. You brethren are so thoughtful and caring. Even Lucian in Florida, he didn’t just send Bibles, after seeing living conditions in Africa, he sent Bibles that are waterproof (so thoughtful and practical.) There are also a few of you who have been supporting this work consistently for some time now (you know who you are, and so does our Heavenly Father) your brethren in Kenya thank you from the bottom of their hearts for continuing to help them, you have eased their suffering tremendously, and also kept our orphans in school.

I am also happy to inform you that we sent funds to both Narok and Bomet, assisting some church families who were requesting food relief. They send their thanks and appreciation to all of you who have assisted them (two families in particular had been going without food for some time.) Kenya is a rough place to live, the country continues to be plagued with famine and disease. About a Month ago a new Hospital opened up just outside the village of Ogembo (not far from the orphanage) a week later a carpenter open up a coffin shop directly across the street from the Hospital. And a few days after that, a second coffin shop opened up right next to the first one. Fact when you travel around the villages here, coffin shops are quite plentiful. It’s sad to see so many dying from curable illnesses like malaria, typhoid, pneumonia and more, just because they don’t have the little funds necessary to be diagnosed and treated. Free clinics, food banks and homeless shelters are none existent here far as I can tell. I have traveled around Kenya and Tanzania for years, and have seen none. But I have seen plenty of starvation (even amongst our brethren) and plenty of homeless children living on the street. One of the saddest things is to see so many homeless street kids high on the glue that they sniff to ease their hunger pains. This world needs God’s Kingdom to come, so many are suffering (some horrendously.) Even this past week a young boy (18 yrs old) came by the orphanage with his two young sisters (age 6 and 8) he told us their parents had recently died, and was requesting us to take the two girls because he was unable to feed them, and feared seeing them die from starvation. We had to turn his request down, because we are already quite full here at the orphanage, and even have previous request from other cog groups to care for more of their church orphans.

As many of you know, I have been in Kenya for about two Months now, assisting at the orphanage and visiting various church groups, trying to encourage them with “assurance” that The Kingdom of God “IS” coming, and that the suffering that they are currently experiencing (and it is much) will eventually end. How I wish we could make others in the churches of God aware of the need here. I am sure others would chip in and help if we could only make them aware of the suffering their impoverished brethren are enduring. But getting past the hierarchy that continues to flourish in the various churches of God, and exposing the suffering of our brethren here is a difficult thing to do. Again I was refused by another church group leader to address their congregation. My only request was to make others aware of how difficult life is here for these brethren of ours, and how just a little assistance can help so many more of our brethren.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking for more funds from those of you who have been assisting. You have already helped more than you can imagine (and I know many of you are poor yourselves) But some brethren here continue to suffer. If only a few others who could afford to help would be made aware of the situation, much more could be accomplished. Look at what has been accomplished by the few of you who have already been assisting. So many widows and orphans have been helped, and that is the core of our obligation as members of God’s true church according to “James 1:27” isn’t it?

I feel I am obligated to keep you informed of the conditions here, and not only to report on what has been accomplished, but also to expose current situations. One pertains to the COG group in Ekenye. The old structure they meet in for Sabbath services collapsed during some recent storms. They have struggled to raise funds among themselves and have accomplished erecting a new structure with timbers (pictured below.) But lack the $800 funds needed to purchase the metal sheets for the roof. Currently we have been having much rain, so the 80 member congregation has been struggling to meet during the inclement weather. (The large number of brethren is Kenya/Tanzania is surprising to some, most of the growth began all the way back in the “Radio COG” when Herbert Armstrong was broadcasting from “Radio Luxembourg.” The Gospel back then took strong root in E.Africa, and continues to grow to this day.)

Another need at this time is food for the upcoming FOT. We have numerous feast sites again this year here in Kenya (Including two now at the coast.) “All” have been reaching out for help with food. They are not looking for anything extravagant in any way, just something to put in their bellies during the feast. (Hunger is one of the greatest needs amongst our African brethren.) Just to have some rice and tea during the feast will bring smiles to many faces. But as I mentioned, there are many brethren, we are connected to over 30 cog groups ourselves.)

Let me mention one more thing before ending this report, it pertains to donation receipts. Please accept my apologies for not getting them out on time (hope to do so soon.) But please be assured that your assistance has help many of our brethren tremendously, and very much appreciated by your brothers and sisters here. I wish all of you a happy, joyous and spiritual Feast Of Tabernacles wherever you will be.

Your brother in Christ

Bill Goff

Sengera House Orphans
Ekenye framed meeting hall waiting metal sheets for roof.
School fee receipt.
Orphan Mary Bius from Nyamaruma receiving new Bible and cover.
Her previous Bible was quite worn out.
Brian, Mourine and Mildred fetching drinking water
New Hospital Near Orphanage
Two coffin shops immediately opened up directly across street from new Hospital.  The wood in front is the material used in their construction.  The video below shows people lined up to purchase.
Orphans installing new seesaw at Sengera House.  They are constantly receiving “hands on” experiencing during their training of various trades.  Preparing them to become self sufficient in the future
Meet Brian
Friday Night Bible Study
Sengera Orphanage Seesaw
Coffin Shops In Abundance