September 30, 2015

September 30 at 9:55 PM
Masaba Feast Kitchen

September 30 at 11:34 AM
Masaba Feast

Reached Masaba September 30 at 3:07 PM


Feast is going well here in Kenya. Am currently at Masaba site with 112 in attendance. Messages have been good and being interpreted into Kiswahili language. Today I will travel to Kisii Feast site to spend duration of Feast there.

Received the following message from Haron at the Kisii site.

“Hope you are doing fine at Masaba here we are too going fine. We met with Boaz yesterday and hopefully today is planning to move to Masaba.

The FOT is moving well here in Kisii. Yesterday we were discussing about coming kingdom in our Bible discussion after lunch with much contributed. Various ideas on the new Manson we shall be occupying. We also had some Sunday pastors who belief of going to live in heaven. After long discussion with them some agreed to bring their brethren today and hear what bible really says. Because most of them understand that most of their message are not coming from bible but they follow what they found used by their past pastors. After moving various parts of scriptures they come to realize that what they were following is man’s tradition.

Also we had couple of brethren from Ikoba group, jigger, Ekenye and Sengera. Meals were well served morning tea with brown toast, lunch potatoes and cabbage Sapper ugali with meat. Thanks to Kenya Hands of Hope for the great work for hand of help toward our impoverished brethren here.

Stay in touch as we keep serving God with great sincerity and truth.

Haron Mokoro.”
(End of report from Haron)

Photo of Masaba group.

Have a good Feast,

Bill Goff

September 28 at 3:41 PM
Headed To Masaba Feast Site – Part 1

September 28 at 3:43 PM
Headed To Masaba Feast Site – Part 2

September 28 at 3:45 PM
Headed To Masaba Feast Site – Part 3

September 28 at 3:47 PM
Headed To Masaba Feast Site – Part 4

September 28 at 6:40 PM

September 28 at 9:23 AM
Preparing For Services

September 28 at 9:21 AM
Washing Utensils

September 28 at 9:15 AM

September 28 at 8:58 AM
Awaiting Others To Arrive for FOT
Ekenye children warming up for FOT .MOV

September 26 at 11:27 AM
Nyamaruma Church of God
Keeping Sabbath here today with Nyamaruma church group,
as we prepare for the FOT.

September 24 at 5:25 PM
Preparation For Sengera Feast Site

September 20 at 10:19 AM

Windows & doors are in at Masaba. Sengera project still at stand still, so it will not be ready in time for feast so we are moving that feast site to Ekenye. Our only problem now is for food, and some transport.

September 14 at 7:44 PM
The Road To The Kingdom