September 24, 2016

Greetings Brethren,

Hope you are well and that the Almighty is keeping you, as we patiently await the return of our Lord and Savior. Much has been accomplished over the past Month here at the Sengera House Orphanage. Thanks to the support you have been giving, we were able to bring electric power into the compound. This is a huge help, especially being that the sun sets early here on the equator, making it quite difficult for the children in the evening, including doing their school homework. (In the past we were using some solar panels, but found them inadequate and quite costly to maintain.) Now, the boys house, girls house and kitchen are energized with a ceiling light and electric outlet in every room.

Setting the Electric Poles

The compound is also totally fenced now, making it much safer, and also fulfilling the requirements of the county ordinances concerning orphanage compounds.

Orphanage Compound Fence

As we make the improvements around the compound, the children are totally involved in the work as they continue to learn more skill. (Hope you will see this in the pictures & videos.)

Learning Carpentry

The children have also been busy installing some overhead irrigation for the garden located next to the boys house. We used 3” pvc pipe. Now that vegetable garden can be easily watered. Currently the children have begun planting beans, peppers, tomatoes, onions, kale, beets, carrots, corn and more.

Installing Overhead Irrigation in Children’s Garden

Each child has his own small plot to plant and tend. They are so excited.

Overhead Irrigation Children’s Garden


New toilets and shower at Girls House

Our Heavenly Father continues to stretch the funds that come in to khofh, and all the glory goes to Him. Aside from all the improvements that have recently been made, this week we were able to pay the school fees for all of the orphans. We also supplied a number of widows with food.

Let me end with one more photo. It is of Enoch. He arrived at the orphanage (like most of them) starving. After supper the other night (without even being asked) Enoch began collecting all the dishes to bring them to the kitchen. He was so cute I had to take a picture.

Enoch collecting all the dishes

So thanks to you who have been donating to khofh, the quality of life for these orphans and a number of widows has risen much. Let us Praise our Almighty Heavenly Father. Your good works do Glorifies Him.

Below are the latest videos from Kenya:

Sengera Orphans Planting

Electrifying Sengera Orphanage

Bringing The Poles

Raising The Poles

Last Pole Up

Schools Out

Meeting Scattered Brethren in Bomet

Thank You

Bill Goff
Director Kenya Hands of Hope