September 1, 2019

Greetings Brethren,

We have not only been making progress doing the initial prep-work for the eventual construction of the new dormitory, but have also been preparing the children to return to school. On Monday September 2nd the third and last term begins. School fees have now been paid for all of the children living at Sengera House and also for all five of Matara’s orphans (Matara is the 92 year old man who lives just outside of Kisii that we have been assisting to support the orphans he has taken in).

We have also received an estimate from a new builder to replace the destroyed boy’s dormitory. Our last proposal was for $55,000 which is much more than we can afford. So we have downsized a little bit and the new one is $25,000. Our hope now is to raise the funds. If you can spread the word about the need here, that would be much appreciated. Construction can begin as soon as we have a portion of the funds to begin. Donations can be sent to either our main page or

We have also taken on another orphan; she is ten year old Faith Nyomenda. She has come to us from the Nyamaruma church group which is one of the Churches of God that we try to serve here in Kenya. Her parents recently died and the elderly widow who had been caring her is no longer able to do so. Faith is in level 3, and has been in and out of school due to lack of school fees. We will take her tomorrow to be measured for her school uniform and she will begin school on Monday with the rest of the children.

Sept. 1/19
Faith with Haron the Sengera House overseer.

Life is rough here for our impoverished brethren. One of the “true” widows we have been supporting is Margaret from Ogembo. You may recall we (khofh) built her a small house a couple of years ago to live in with her five children. Yesterday they were down to their last bit of maze (corn) and were hungry. So they put the corn out in the sun to dry, and planned to grind it and make their staple food “Ugali.” While the maze was drying they took a walk to go fetch fire wood. Upon their return they found someone had stolen that little bit of food they had left. (So many are starving in that area) It was too overwhelming for Margaret’s oldest son Bernard that he attempted suicide. Fortunately, his Mom found him in time and he was rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, he is recuperating and will survive.

Kenya is a country filled with hunger. Most of our brethren ration their food to survive. I was informed today that one of the ladies at services this past Sabbath in the Getongo church group near the Masai border, fainted during services. She hadn’t eaten in 3 days. The needs of our brethren are great.

Sept. 1/19
The boys are quite keen on mixing cement.


Sept. 1/19
Francis installing pillars for a retaining wall.


Sept. 1/19
Enoch and Mokoro building a concrete table


Sept. 1/19
These children are industrious, not one of them is lazy.


Sept. 1/19
That’s James edging a concrete platform for the water tank.

The builder we contracted for constructing the new boy’s dormitory was here today and he laid the lines for digging the foundation. Construction can begin soon as we have a portion of the funds. Please see this video of the children at work:

We want to thank our Heavenly Father and His beloved Son for the compassionate hearts of those who have been assisting the orphans here and Thank You all for your love and concern and your prayers which are essential, the children are doing well, and progress continues to be made at the Orphanage.

I will be returning to the States early next week.
