October 22, 2017

Greetings Brethren,

We hope everyone had a Joyous, Prosperous and Spiritual Feast of Tabernacles. All eight Feast sites in Kenya report a successful feast, and the brethren thank those of you who have assisted them with food to eat and water to drink during the feast. One thing that stood out in the Kenya feast reports was where the brethren mention that the color of their skin had changed during the feast. The color change was due to eating nutritional foods. For most of them their normal diet consist of “Ugali” (made from maize flour) and rice. But during the feast they ate potatoes, beans, sliced bread, vegetables, and even some beef. You can see a full 2017 FOT report posted on the Web site at:

At Sengera House Orphanage, we now have a new resident. Her name is Naomi Jeremiah, she is 10 years old. We have enrolled her in school, level four.

Naomi Jeremiah

Naomi came to us from the Maasi border church group “Kenuchi village” her parents died from Malaria. She was staying for a time with her elderly Grandfather, but he could no longer sustain her. Naomi arrived at Sengera House like the others, hungry, weak and a bit scared. But tanks to you donors, she is now doing quite well, happy and content in her new home.

Naomi and her elderly Grandfather
Total number of orphans now living at Sengera House is 17

School will be out soon ending another school year in Kenya. We have two students graduating 8th grade (Nehemiah & Felix) we are hoping to enroll them in High School which will start in January 2018. We also have a few students who are top of their class. One is Manley grade 7. His Hope & dream is to become a Doctor. He will not be the first to achieve that goal. KHofH also funded a young boy from Tanzania back in 2006 – 2014. His name back then was David Martin (you may remember their family was close to starvation when his father lost his job over keeping the Sabbath.)  Thanks to you donors, KHofH was able to step in back then. David’s new title today is Dr. David Martin.

Khofh also continues to assist widows at various cog groups around Kenya, including Some in Ogembo, Narok, and Kenuchi.

Our current project is now posted on the Web site. We have started a fundraiser to try and fund a roof for the Ikenye church group who lost their old Sabbath meeting hall during a storm just prior to the fall Feasts. The Ikenye congregation consists of 60 members. (Drought and a maze disease has all but crippled our peasant farmer congregation in that area.)

Again we want to thank you donors for continuing to assist these orphans. You are doing a wonderful work providing and caring for them. And  God continues to bless everything we do there in Kenya, and all those good works Glorify Him. May the Almighty Father Bless each and every one of you.

Your brother in Christ

bill Goff