October 2016

Greetings Brethren,

Hope all of you are well and that you had an energizing Spiritual Feast of Tabernacles.  Please check our Feast report posted on the Web site.  (The Kenya turnout was much larger than we had anticipated, with approximately 700 in attendance at five sites.)  We do have some pictures posted at:

After the Feast, I visited a church group in Jacksonville Florida, and was welcomed with open arms and much love by the Brethren.  The church group there is on fire, as they continue to search the Scriptures and grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior.  Upon leaving Jacksonville, I was blessed with a wonderful gift from Delta Airlines.  They had over booked the flight and offered me a $500 voucher if I would take the different flight later that day.  I gladly accepted the offer and added it to the $100 voucher they had already given me just three days earlier on my flight to Jacksonville when a “mechanical problems” caused a 4 hour delay.  The $600 in vouchers went a long way in purchasing my next round trip ticket to Kenya

At the orphanage in Sengera, the children are now out of school for a three Month break, so I plan to travel back to Kenya on Sunday.  Hoping to continue the building of “rocket stoves” and a few other projects which are intern teaching the children numerous skills.  Our plan is to continue building the stoves free of charge for “Widows”, as we drum up some business with paying customers.  Our hope is for all the children to have skills they can use to become self-supportive down the road, after all their schooling is completed.

We do ask for your continued prayers for our protection, and for our goals to be reached in helping our widows & orphans.  We also ask your prayers for inspiration concerning all of our messages as we visit more of our impoverished brethren that are scattered around Kenya & Tanzania.

(If you wish to hear some of what we are teaching, please give a listen at:)

Your brother in the work of the Living God.

Bill Goff

P.S.  Below is recent update from our Sengera congregation.

From: kenyacontact <>
Date: November 10, 2016 at 12:18:38 PM EST
To: William P Goff <>
Subject: Update Sengera orphanage

Greetings elder Bill,

Hope that you are fairing well, it is another time that God as provided for me to give you an update of the on going at the orphanage here.  At the orphanage here the farming project is doing good.  We have our own greens that the orphans are feeding on.  (Other crops are growing well and we looking forward for good harvest.  The hens project is on going well and we are getting the eggs daily with no need to purchase anymore at the market.  This is much help to the orphans.  Please thank the donors for helping us to begin these important projects.

The orphans are also doing very good at school, aiming at the best.  Their performance is increasing thanks to the school fee provision.  It much good for the kids here, being they are all receiving an education.  The girls house also for internal plastering it real good and they are enjoying living in.  The boys began painting the interior room just last week now that school is on break.  We also thank for the additional double beds.  We also thank you for the dog and the cat as part of the family.  They are important to us here killing mice and guarding the compound.

As was mentioned in my last report, the FOT went exceptionally well, although we had little disease of tuberculosis that followed, but we thank you for helping kids for check up and treatment.  All three children are doing fine now.  Lydiah and Dorica are also much help for kids making them food before school and after school day, also helping them in washing their clothes.  Thanks for also the recent raincoats that KHofH provided due heavy rain.


Haron Mokoro

The following are photos attached

Thank You

Bill Goff
Director Kenya Hands of Hope