Greetings from Kenya where 876 brethren are Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles at 9 separate sites. I kept the first day at Sengera House with approximately 60 in attendance.
Bread and tea Breakfast
When I arrived just before services began, I found the brethren eating breakfast which consisted of sliced bread and tea. They were so happy to be there.
Today (day two of the Feast) Nehemiah and I traveled to the Great Rift Valley, and kept it with the Ngopen Congregation. They also were very excited to attend.
Thanks to you donors, they served a very nutritional lunch after services today consisting of rice, beans, and cabbage. They thank you from the bottom of their hearts for your support.)
As a treat, we gave everyone an orange, and they loved it (especially the children.)
Yes, they love oranges and it is a good source of vitamin C. But for our Kenya brethren they are a luxury and can rarely afford them.
Our budget for all 9 groups for the entire 8 day Feast totaled $4,355. When you calculate that with the 876 brethren attending, that’s $4.97 per person for food for the entire 8 days. And that calculates to 62 cents per person per day.
That is the amount the groups asked for (very modest) but we were only able to distribute about half so far. We are now hoping that more Feast donations will come in so we can send the balance. Otherwise they will run out of food in the middle of the Feast. I also asked those at Ngopen today, who didn’t have a Bible to raise their hands. There are 27 in need of them.
Tomorrow Nehemiah and I will travel to and visit the Kinase church congregation. We hope to send you a report and pictures from there.Below are some videos of our travels
Cleaning Dust Off [Ngopen area has gone 5 months without rain]. When we arrived we were completely covered in dust from the dry dirt road.