November 2016

Greetings Brethren,Hope all is well with you. I arrived back in Kenya safe and sound, and have been busy at the Sengera Orphanage working with the children. As I mentioned in last months update, schools here in Kenya are closed for three month break. So we are back at constructing more rocket stoves and working on some other projects around the camp including some maintenance (like cleaning the rain water tank.) Last week we build two rocket stoves at the church kitchen. This will assist the brethren here in Sengera when they come together as a group for Sabbath and other functions, allowing them to take some tea and put something in their stomach before trekking back home. It’s just amazing how far many of these brethren walk to attend services each week, many walk for hours. So they need to eat before they move.

This past Sabbath I visited the brethren in Kambare in Western Kenya (pictured below) hadn’t seen them in three years. They are all doing well, even Josephine, the young widow who lives in Akala with her two young children was all smiles when we arrived. Thanks to you donors of KHofH, we were able to bring them a box full of bananas and a box full of oranges. We also gave all four of the widows in that congregation 70,000/- Kenya Schillings for them to divide amongst themselves (That’s approximately $70.) they were very appreciative. We were also able to pay the Hospital balance of $28. for the two who were injured in an accident while returning from this past FOT. We also met John Ogada there (Kambare is one of the four congregations he pastors) brought him 10 more Bibles to distribute to the children in Ramula who were still waiting.

We also visited the brethren in Oyugies on the Sabbath of 11/27/16. We have a young member there who has been suffering from a Hugh hernia (a result from all his hard work of making bricks.) We know our focus needs to be on helping orphans and true widows, but this young man (long time member of the cog) was in dyer need of help. His hernia was life threatening. He is also married and his wife soon to deliver. They are very appreciative to you donors of KHofH for assisting them in their time of need. Without your help he would never been able to have the operation, which by the way went well at a total cost of $180.


The rain water collected from the gutters and directed to this tank is drinkable, but the tank does have to be cleaned from time to time.

As you can see in the picture above, no one here is overweight, but I’m happy to report that all of the orphans are eating well, and putting on some meat on the skeleton bodies they arrive here at Sengera House with. (Once again, thanks to you donors for that, and to our Almighty Father for creating in you His wonderful compassionate hearts.

The gardens at Sengera orphanage are doing well.

We were also able once again to help the widows in the Nykack church group (famine area of Kenya) with grain. Michael sent the following report and pictures:

Hello Elder William

Greetings, I want to take this opportunity to thank the Lord for being with you and also for considering our plea. Thank you for the support you were able to provide in relation to the relief food our brethrens are very grateful for the kind gesture and we are praying for your good health and long life to serve the children of God. May you be blessed richly and be rewarded abundantly by our Heavenly Father.

Elder Michael Mbogo

(The following report is from Haron Mokoro)

Dear elder Bill

It is another warm morning our heavenly Father has granted each one of us. I hereby thank you together with humble KHofH donor who are real moving and helping many lives here. as many of us know in this continent is much lag behind in terms of economic and high attack with natural calamities.

Today was a treat to widow for various groups for corns/maize donation. I and brother John we had a lot today in distributing corns to couple of afflicted families mainly the widows.

The following photos shows the distribution ;


Among Sengera group


Nyamaruma group


And one widow from kenye
Thank You

Bill Goff
Director Kenya Hands of Hope