June 4, 2018

Voice in the Wilderness COG
Kenya Hands of Hope
5525 Springs Ave
Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29577

June 4 2018

Dear Donors

Personal note

I’m very appreciative of the contributions you have made to the work we are involved in in Kenya, specifically to the orphanage needs.  I often struggle with asking for contributions from you because you have responded with so much love by contributing in the past.  I sometimes hesitate asking for additions funds as more needs arise in the future.  The conditions in Kenya are very difficult for the brethren.  Many basic needs, as you know, are not available to them as it is to us in the States and other prosperous countries.  I’m faced with their needs on a day to day basis and I’m trying to fill their needs as best I can with the funds available.

It seems that I’m continually asking for help for the work we are doing.  But I’m faced with difficulties every day as to how to allocate the funds you have sent.  And sometimes the funds fall short to take care of the children at the orphanage.  We make do with what we have until more funds are available to us.  It is my job to make you aware of the present conditions at the Orphanage and to see how you can help alleviate those conditions.

I’m writing this personal note to express to you my thankfulness for your Love and concern for the brethren in Kenya and your continual support for the work there.  Please realize that the help you have been giving has accomplished much.  We have had “true” widows in God’s church who were sleeping without proper bedding, continually rationing the little food they had, and even lacking Bibles.  But your contributions have eased their suffering much.  And let me remind you (or inform you if you’re not aware) that the orphans living at Sengera House may have come to us at different times and from various cog groups scattered around Kenya, but all were in the same condition.  Literally starving, lacking in proper clothing and void of school.  Now they are “all” in school, including two in High School and one in trade school.  All are no longer “skin and bone” like they were upon arriving, but have meat on their bones from the nutritional meals they are eating, and all are clothed.  It is thanks to you donors, whom our Heavenly Father has bestowed His wonderful Agape Love that all this is being accomplished.  (Galatians 6:7-10)

Please know that you are very much appreciated for the work that you do in supplying funds and offering up your prayers to the Father and the Son on our behalf.

May the Father and the Son bless you for your love.


bill Goff