June 29, 2018

Greetings Brethren,

Hope this letter finds you well, both physically and spiritually. It has been four years since we first started “Sengera House Orphanage”. I want to thank all of you who have been supporting these orphans, and also for the support you have given to numerous “true” church widows scattered around parts of Kenya and Tanzania. Your compassion and willing hearts has helped so many in many ways. Life for our brethren living in those third world countries continues to be a struggle.

I want to update you on the orphan Brian (the one we call Ibu). Brian is the one who has been attending boarding trade school in the town of Ogembo. He has been learning how to weld. Last week his class took a field trip to the City of Kisumu for additional training. A few days after arriving in Kisumu, seven of the students became deathly ill. They were taken to a local clinic and diagnosed with severe case of cholera. None were given any medication though; (the school apparently didn’t want to disperse any funds, or be responsible for any bills) one student died within hours. The other six (including Brian) were put into three ambulances and sent on their way to the city of Kisii (Kisii is near home where the boarding school is, about a three-hour drive). The school then called the parent and guardians of the six, and informed them to meet the ambulances at the hospital in Kisii and pay the transport fee. We did just that. In fact, we (Kenya Hands of Hope) paid half the ambulance bill for all three emergency vehicles because most of the parents had no money. The students were admitted at the hospital. And finally, after about eight hours of becoming ill, the students were given medication. But sad to say, another one died at the hospital. The other five (including Brian) survived; he is now recuperating quite well back at the orphanage.

I hope we realize brethren; how fortunate we are to be living in the USA. We don’t have such a struggle to survive like so many of our impoverished brethren due. Even now, we have a young church widow struggling for food for her children. She is not rationing her food like many of our church widows living in that impoverished country do on a daily basis, she is struggling to find food to ration. We also have a church family in Narok who have been displaced from their home, and in need of help. But currently our funds have been depleted, and we are unable to help them. Two church families in Narok area whose homes were completely washed away, we have already assisted.

It’s been a tough couple of Months in Kenya, especially with all the recent flooding that country has been experiencing. We (Kenya Hands of Hope) have assisted many church families affected by the storms. Even at the orphanage we have been battling Typhoid for some time now. We finally have come to find out that the artesian well where we get all of our drinking water has become contaminated from the unprecedented flooding. That water is now being treated.

Please pray for our impoverished brethren, and for the work we are involved in there. And please spread the word that there are true brethren in need of our help. We are told in Galatians 6:10 “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” The families that we have been assisting “are” of the household of faith. Even all of the orphans that we are caring for came to us from various scattered “cog” groups. We paid no attention to which particular “cog” group their deceased parents previously attended, that didn’t mean one iota to us. Our focus at Kenya Hands of Hope has been to help orphans, and true widows.

If you are not familiar with the work we are involved in over there in E. Africa, please take the time to scroll down this “Latest Update” page, and you will see where the support funds are being used. And at the bottom of each page there is a button you can click on which will bring you to the previous page. You can go back and see what we have been involved in over the past number of years. But most of all let us pray “Thy Kingdom Come” because many around this world are suffering, some horrendously.

Bill Goff