June 25,2021

Greetings Brethren,

Hope all of you are well, as we patiently and eagerly await the return of our Lord. As the United States continues to open up and ease restrictions concerning the pandemic, other Countries like Kenya are back to imposing more restrictions and curfews due to the viruses reported rapid spread. Even church services have once again been forbidden, with penalty of immediate arrest and prison time for violators.

At the Sengera House Church Orphanage, the children send their highest greetings and heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been assisting them. They are all doing well in school, but I must report that donations have decreased dramatically, and we have been struggling to assist our Widows and Orphans. I have reached out once again to one of the large cog, but once again they have denied any assistance. My hope and prayer is for others to join us in assisting our impoverished Brethren. Even Thomas and Kevin along with their siblings have been rationing the little flour they have to make porridge, trying to stay alive.

World Vision reports conditions deteriorated across Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda, where 12.8 million children experienced high levels of malnutrition. 2021 — In six countries in East Africa, 7 million people are at risk of starvation and another 33.8 million face acute food insecurity. At least 12.8 million children are acutely malnourished in the region, which includes Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, and Uganda.” Brethren, I fear that more of our impoverished Brethren will perish from starvation.

Kenya can also be a very dangerous place. One of our church widows (85 year old Josephine Sendora lives with her orphan grandson Daniel who is 10 years old.) Two weeks ago robbers broke into their house, they knocked Grandma down. Daniel tried his best to defend her, but he was no match for two full grown men. They broke his arm and his leg. Both were treated at the hospital, and released (Daniel had two casts applied.) Both are now okay, aside from having barely any food to even ration.

Our impoverished Brethren really suffer a lot. But please Brethren, don’t get weary in well doing. Your assistance has done so much good, and has eased the suffering of Many. Galatians 6:9-10 NIV says: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

These are our Brethren who are suffering here, they are full of Faith and part of God’s Household. I hesitate to inform some times of the dire needs because some have criticized me in the past, saying: “Your always asking for money.”

But that’s not 100% true, I’m also asking for Prayers too, because I know that it is our Creator who is the ultimate provider.

Your brother in Christ.
Bill Goff