July 8, 2020


As many of you know, we had posted a new update on July 4,2020 at:

As you can see in that report, many good things have been accomplished here at the Sengera House Orphanage, and we Thank those of you who have been assisting and supporting. We know that our Heavenly Father will bless you donor abundantly for all that you have been doing to ease the suffering of our impoverished brethren, especially the afflictions of our widows and orphans.

But I now find it necessary to inform you of some current needs that have surfaced. We have been inspected by the Kenya authorities today, and they are happy in their findings, although there are some requirements that we have not fully met. (I will include them at the bottom of this short letter.)

Also, the construction of the boys new dormitory Is “almost” totally complete. As I have mentioned in previous reports, the boys are sleeping in their new house. But we need to address the few remaining items. The exterior of the building still needs to be painted. The authorities have not demanded it yet, but they eventually will, because painting is required. Also, aside from the bedrooms and bathroom, the only other room is what they call the “sitting room.” Now I don’t know if furniture like a couch and some chairs are required by the Government, but we haven’t been able to purchase any, so the room is void.

Now asking for additional funds to accomplish the above is very difficult for me, because many of those who have been assisting all along, have been sacrificing to do so. So Please understand, we are “not” asking those of you who have been constantly helping and providing for these orphans and widows to send more, we are reaching out to others who can afford to assist to please do so if possible.

Our “Update Page” goes back and documents our doings for quite a number of years. You can see that there has been no extravagant living or unnecessary spending. We do pray constantly to be good stewards in everything we do here. So please, if you can assist, please do so. And if your assistance can come in the form of prayers, they are very much appreciated, because we know that “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person availeth much.”

Your brother in Christ. Bill Goff

Government Report received today:

“Dear Bill, concerning government requirements the following is what we have done as by requirements since we started the orphanage according to Ministry of Labour and Social Services:

  • Housing for boys and girls, kitchen, cafeteria and store room we have achieved in past one year up to late boys house.
  • Toilet, for boys and girls and latrines.
  • Water from the well is pumped and we’ll allocated .
  • Electricity
  • Perimeter wall around compound for security.
  • Water harvesting from rain.
  • Certificate for an home based home
  • Cooking certificates
  • Security guard
  • Cook and food handling

The following is what the orphanage is lacking and needed to abide with as soon as possible

  • Human resources policy
  • Community assessment certificate
  • Audited financial account book
  • Area advisory committee inspection report
  • Children complaint procedure.
  • COVID19 report test for food handlers
  • Matron and patron for girls and boys

Mostly the certificate of community assessment is required immediately.”

To accomplish the additional Government requirements listed above will cost approximately 80,000 Kenya Schillings ($800.)

Painting exterior of house another approximately $700.

Furniture for sitting room: $600.

Grand total to accomplish all the above: $2,100.