July 21, 2017

Sengera House
Sengera, Kenya
July 21, 2017
Greetings Brethren,

I hope this letter finds all of you in good health, both physically and spiritually. I arrived Kenya on the 12th of July. After spending the first few days in Nairobi, traveled on to Kisii Kenya arriving at the Sengera House Orphanage on Sunday July 16th. I found all the orphans in good health, and doing well. This week they are taking exams, and will then break from school for one Month before they begin another term.

Upon my arrival at the orphanage, I notice a new face, a young boy 13 yrs old by the name of Manley. I was informed by Nehemiah (the eldest orphan at the camp) that Manley had just lost his Mother, and that they had been feeding him for about a week, but he was sleeping at home with his younger sister Jemimah. I asked “what about his father?” Nehemiah replied that his father had died about a year ago, and that Manley and his sister were now total orphans. I said okay, that it was good that they were feeding him. I also noticed that the boys shoes were plastic, cracked and open, so on Thursday (market day) I brought Manley to the village to purchase him some new shoes. As I began looking at “new” shoes, Manley said no, let’s look at used ones instead, because they are much cheaper he said. So we bought him two pair of used shoes at $2 each pair. (He was very appreciative.) Today I was visited by Charles Mokoro, the clan elder here at the camp. Charles wanted to talk to me about Manley. He told me that the late father’s distant relatives had taken over the house where the children were living, and were mistreating them, he said the two children would now become homeless. Charles said he would take them in himself, but he was already over loaded with orphans. I agreed to take the two children in at Sengera House, so we now have two additional orphans living here. I also found out today that Manley is top of his class in level 7. Apparently his Mother had been paying their school fees. (Kenyan’s will starve themselves with the little money they have, and pay school fees over food in order to give them an education.) The children here at Sengera House know both Manley and his sister quite well, because that family has been members here at the Sengera church for a long time.

Brethren, it is thanks to you that these children are being helped. I may be slow at reporting what is transpiring here at the orphanage, and I apologize for that, but please understand that the funds you are sending are helping so many of our impoverished orphans, widows, and brethren here in Kenya.

What a pleasure it is to be here visiting this place, and so inspiring. Even today Friday, just after sunset, I found all the children assembled in the main house singing hymns just prior to having dinner. After eating, Nehemiah had all of them engaged in Friday night Bible study. It was wonderful, and every Scripture that was discussed was read in English, Kisii, and Swahili (the children are learning all three of those languages.) Tomorrow we will visit the Itongo church group for Sabbath, they are located at the boarder of the Maasai tribe. It’s the church group were we recently dug a well for them, and have also been caring for a elderly true widow there.

Reporting from Kisii Kenya, your brother in Christ

bill Goff

Sengara House
Manley & His Sister Jemimah
Worn Out Shoes
Itongo Church Group
Harvesting At Sengera