January 2016

Following are links to videos on Bill Goff’s Youtube page.

Mfangana Island Brethren Fishing
Cows in the House
Street Boy in the Storm Drain
Looking to purchase Bricks–o
Delivering The Bricks
Sengera Orphans Engaged in Building their Kitchen
Orphans Plastering the Kitchen Walls
Headed Back from the Gilkage
Around The Sengera Orphan Camp
Visiting the Indiwa church group
Bill Goff’s Youtube page index
Greetings Brethren,

Let us thank our Heavenly Father for all the love, mercy, and kindness He has bestowed upon us, and let us look forward to the exciting times that are ahead of us as we patiently await the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We have been in Kenya for six weeks, and have much to report on. First, let me tell you that our Kenyan brethren send all of you their “Highest Greeting.” They appreciate the help you have given them very much. Thanks to the support sent in to KHofH we have been able to assist many here, especially the widows and orphans, who our primary focus is on.

Let me start my report in Sengera in western Kenya, where KHofH has built an orphan house. Sengera is also our base here in Kenya. It’s located just outside the city of Kisii. As many of you may know, we are currently building a much needed kitchen here at the orphanage. The orphanage, by the way, is being constructed by the orphans themselves. The schools were closed here in Kenya for the entire month of December, so we spent a lot of time working together with the orphans, constructing the kitchen as well as working on a number of other projects, as the orphans are learning many new skills.

Most Kenyans live with two structures on their property, one for sleeping and the other for cooking. When we built the orphan house two years ago we lacked the funds for the kitchen, so the orphans have been cooking on the floor in the living room of the house. They are using a “Jiko” stove, which burns charcoal, and using it in the house is a bit dangerous (two orphans were seriously burned over the past year), so the kitchen project is important.

Thanks to those of you who have been supporting KHofH, we were able to begin purchasing materials. The timing was perfect – with the orphans out of school all month, they had total hands-on training. It was their first time handling tools (other than a panga “machete” and a jembe “hoe” for digging). They not only loved it, but also have begun learning many new skills in carpentry, masonry, electrical, and even painting.

The orphans continue to learn quickly, just like when they were introduced to the rocket stoves that Dave Rothwell brought to us. After we built the first rocket stove, I was away for a few days visiting the church group in Ramula. When I returned, there were two stoves. The orphans had built a second one by themselves (and it turned out better than the first). This time after introducing them to painting in the kitchen we are constructing, I traveled to lndiwa, Kenya to visit the church group there. While I was away, they painted the interior of the house, and did a great job. The house had been waiting to be painted since it was constructed two years ago.

Your donations to KHofH are such a blessing. These orphans are learning so many skills that will help them to earn their own daily bread. God continues to bless everything we are involved in. The people here in Kenya may see my face all the time, but I constantly remind them that I am only one spoke in the wheel. It is all of us donors working together in the unity of God’s Holy Spirit that have accomplished so much. Let us thank our Heavenly Father for guiding us and teaching us His wonderful and blessed ways. As long as we look to Him and our Elder Brother for guidance and direction, we cannot fail.

I received the following report from Haron:

Dear elder Bill and dear Brethren.It is another nice time to thank all supporters of Kenya Hands of Hope, for good work to brethren here Africa Kenya. The hand of hope to the brethren real has done great, as  the pure religion is concerned, helping many widows and fatherless.

This year the work has moved in couple areas. Assisting needs in various part of the country, including the widow Milka, who you assisted much. As far as famine attached brethren in Ukambani dry land (arid and semi-arid area). one family of Maingi who has been in the church for long, and are humble and concern of word of truth, much thanks to Kenya hand of hope for the food assistance, as well as the food relief to Nyakachi church group who were also carefully rationing the little food they had. Your assistance has helped them much through their time of pain.

Beside that there was also need of the word of God. After feast of tabernacle there is a group in between Kisii and Maasai border who real yearned for word of truth after getting more information of God’s church they requested to get somebody to go and share with them. KHofH has played a role of sending John Omweno and Charles Mokoro to that area and the people really got moved and uplifted. The group has showed the expansion of the work, and the brethren are looking to know more word of truth. Their request is for some Bibles.

Here is a short story of what happened to Charles and John. One time they moved to the area and found one brethren very sick. they had only transport to return home in their pocket, so they decided to give the brethren what they had and footed home. they walked all night and reached home as sunrise morning. it was rough trip.

KHofH has also helped the children who was attacked by jigger by treating their feet and getting them the shoes. Also the group got help of a shade where they now meet for Sabbath services. That group (and their entire village including village chief) took note of KHofH assistance to even village children, even those who were not part of our church. They said never before saw agape love moving like that, and that your church is different from all others.

Kisii Sengera orphanage is also among those of great help. Here we got them a home after elder Bill’s trip to Kisii he found one boy by the name Nehemiah his eyes were red and he got ask him why….. the boy explained to him that he was sleeping in the kitchen floor and from smoke he got affected. I explained to Bill of the boys that there were more of them who had no place to sleep, no blankets or bedding. so we build them a house. The house got four room and toilet. The sitting  room had been used as kitchen and we incurred couple of burnt accidents. Now KHofH has made a kitchen although is not complete but hopefully when it will accomplished soon. it will also help great even time of feast.

Thank so much to KHofH for also support to put the boys in school. they are much happy for the donor who paid their school fee. Also we  are looking for Nancy who is also out of school due lack of school fee.

Beside the house there is water tank which has  helped much for water to orphans here.  We appreciate the help and we hope if possible God to provide for the well being of all donors who have helped the orphans.



I can also add another story concerning visiting the isolated church groups here in Kenya. A few weeks ago we set out to visit the group in Itongo, Kenya (near the border of the Masai tribe). It was too expensive to take the motor bike taxi (and too far for me to travel three hours on a motor bike along extremely bumpy dirt roads), so we hired a car. Even then, it was a very rough trip. For one thing, the car – as most cars here in Kenya – had no shocks, so you felt every bump – and there were many. Occasionally we had to get out of the car in order for it to pass over some rough and rocky areas.

Upon arrival we were well greeted and had Sabbath services. The area is predominantly Catholic, so I spoke on several topics that were relevant, such as how the true church is the pillar and ground of the truth. I also spoke on how the Father is a spirit and wants to be worshiped in spirit and in truth. Another topic I spoke about was that no matter where one lives – USA or impoverished Kenya – if we’re part of His true church, we have to be walking in truth.

After services we were fed a meal made from maize (corn) flour, and a cup of tea. Meanwhile, our driver decided to head back without us. Yes, he left us stranded there in remote Itongo. So we began walking to the nearest village just over an hour and a half away, where we found another car to take us back.

Today we were to meet for Sabbath services with the Jigger group, but had to cancel because it rained all night, and it’s too muddy to travel anywhere. So for services today are here in Sengera.

I also want to thank the donors who ear marked funds for the purchase of Bibles. We found some nice KJV Bibles in Kisii yesterday. We normally pay about $10 per copy, but this time we found some nice copies that are large print, red letter, and even have some maps in the back for $6 each instead of the usual $10. Praise God for that.

We also placed an order for 50 baby chickens, which we will receive on Tuesday. It’s another important project for the orphans here. They have already constructed a small chicken coop to raise the “layer hens.”

You donors have helped our impoverished brethren so much. I hope you realize that God has been stretching the funds donated, and has blessed everything we have been involved in. We also purchased a much needed solar panel and battery for the Masaba congregation.

Please don’t think that a small donation is insignificant, because it’s not. Let us remember the story of the widow’s mite, and how her heart was right and pleasing to God. I know some of you out there who have been supporting are poor yourselves. Why? Because your heart is right, as we practice the pure religion of James 1:27.

Please also realize that no funds are being misused. We realize the importance of being good stewards, and how we have to answer to God for all of our behavior.

The orphans are very dedicated. Last week after receiving some small funds, we were able to purchase some lumber for putting shelves up in the kitchen. The lumber mill is three miles away. We not only walked to the mill, but also back from the mill carrying the lumber on our shoulders. So far we have made three trips on foot. Yesterday we had some little extra funds, so we paid $5 for a motor bike to haul us and the lumber 2/3rds of the way back. So even a small donation can help so much.

Let me mention something else concerning some assistance that is needed. Charles Mokoro has five orphans that he cares for himself here in Sengera (aside from the orphans KHofH is supporting). He came to me yesterday looking for a little help because he was unable to pay the school fees for Nancy, a fifteen year old orphan living here. I had no funds to give him, but told him I would let others know the situation.

Also, when I visited John Ogada, a long-time member of God’s church and host to the Ramula congregation, I offered to try and help that group with a little solar power. Currently they have no lights, and the sun sets early – around 6pm – here in Kenya.  The other need is for more Bibles. If you earmark a donation for Bibles, the funds will go towards that purpose.

Once again, I want to thank each and every one of you who have been helping. May God bless all of you. Below please view some recent pictures and videos.

Your brother in Christ,

Bill Goff

Following are links to videos on Bill Goff’s Facebook page.


Painting the Kitchen
Pictured here is Ian & Brian painting the kitchen walls.
Nehemiah painting Kitchen Fixtures.
Widow Millkar
Widow Millkar with Nehemiah
Still Painting
 Still Painting Kitchen Fixtures
Counter ready to pour concrete
Rocket Stoves
Two “Rocket Stoves” are incorporated into the kitchen counter
Ndhiwa Church of GOD group.
Ndhiwa Church of GOD group
Sengera Church of GOD group
Sengera Church of GOD group.
Ian purchased this jacket at the goodwill store in Kisii.
He never heard of “Gulf Shores.”