Greetings from Kenya, hope all of you are doing well?
2018 has been a busy and productive year here in Kenya. Much has been accomplished at the “Sengera House” orphanage. We now have a total of nineteen orphans (nine girls and ten boys.) school will begin on January 3rd. Sixteen will be returning to grammar school, and three to High School. (There are also additional church orphans from two remote church groups who are suffering severely, but we don’t have the funds available at this time to assist them.)
During school vacation we have continued with “hands on” training with the Sengera orphans. They are learning much, including painting, carpentry, masonry and more. Just this past week we have been constructing another building which will serve as an office. All of the construction from start to finish is being accomplished by the orphans. This has not only been quite cost effective, only having to purchase materials, but has also given them more experience in these fields.
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They don’t have ladders here in Kenya, so we made our own tripod in order to reach high. |
Life here in this 3rd world country continues to be rough for many of our brethren. I received the following report from Narok congregation. Titoa (the overseer there) reports the following:
The Gospel also continues to spread here in Kenya. We spent two Sabbaths in Nyabigege, Kenya where our message was well received, and additional visits are requested. This Sabbath Charles Mokoro held an open meeting near the Maasai border. The message was well received there also.
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As you can see in the picture above, many who attended the open meeting were young. Over half of Kenya’s population are children under the age of 18. The following is reported by UNICEF:
“Kenya is a nation of children and youth, with more than half the estimated population of 36 million under the age of 18 years. An estimated 6 million children require special care and protection of which approximately 2.4 million children are orphans.”
I will be returning to the States in approximately two weeks, my focus then will be to try and make other members of God’s church aware of the suffering that our impoverished brethren endure here. (If you have a group that is interested is learning more about the work we are involved in, please let me know. I’m willing to visit your group to give a slide presentation that will better show the conditions here.)
I apologize for consistently asking for assistance, but It is hard for us American’s to comprehend the living conditions that these faithful members of the Household of God are enduring. Many of our brethren live their lives in survival mode. It’s a struggle just to have water. Can you imagine having to walk long distances to find and fetch water (every drop that you will need for cooking, washing and drinking?) And then after lugging it home have to boil it before use because it is highly contaminated.
Now the orphans living at Sengera House are doing well. Thanks to those who are regularly supporting, they are well fed, clothed and hopefully soon back in school once we raise the little additional school fees still needed. And we are doing our best assisting a number of widows in various church groups scattered around Kenya. But there are additional true widows in need, and additional orphans who are suffering. So we are hoping others who can afford to assist will join us. And most importantly, please pray for us to be good stewards, as we work together in unity, trying to do good works that will glorify our Heavenly Father.
And we thank you for your prayers for protection, Kenya can be a dangerous place. After purchasing the metal roofing sheets for the office on Friday, we were stopped at a police check point. They attempted to place me under arrest for transporting the material in our private vehicle which is not registered as a “commercial”. After much discussion, was finally released and free to go.
Your brother in Christ bill Goff
Videos can be found on our YouTube page at: just click on “YouTube channel“.
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Building a tripod to use as a ladder. |
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James learning to use power tools. |
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Sengera orphans eating breakfast in the newly painted cafeteria. |
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The children spend much time working in the garden. |