May 5, 2016

Sengera House
Leaving Ramula

Sengera House Chores

Special Music

Voice In The Wilderness COG   &   Kenya Hands of Hope
5525 Springs Avenue
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

May 5, 2016

Greetings Brethren,

I pray that our Heavenly Father and His beloved Son Jesus the Christ are keeping all of you well, as we patiently await the day of Christ, when we will meet our Lord and Savior in the air upon the sea of glass, where He will establish His Kingdom. Remember, we are to pray “thy Kingdom come”, but before His Kingdom can come, it has to be established (set up) first. Those saints who are still in the grave will be resurrected and placed into positions of rulership, along with those who are alive and changed in the twinkling of an eye. Daniel 2:44 and Revelation 15:2 speak of that time. Currently we have to continue that “pure and undefiled religion” of taking care of the orphans and widows, and keeping ourselves unspotted from the world, as mentioned in James 1:27.

In Kenya things are going well, as our Father continues to bless the mission we are involved in there of helping our impoverished brethren.  I would like to start my report today by updating you on the three young orphans from the church group located near the Maasai border. As you may recall, that group has requested us to move those children to our orphanage in Sengera, because they are unable to provide for them. The two young girls (Ann Okechi, age 9, Mourine Kemto, age 7) and the boy (Francis Okechi, age 10) have been going hungry, lacking clothes, and not in school. You may recall that Ann almost died recently from dehydration.  I am happy to inform you that today we have brought them to Sengera. The girls will sleep in the sitting room of the Sengera House until the new room we are constructing for them is completed. The three of them arrived today with only the clothes they were wearing – they had absolutely nothing else. Today we brought them to the village and got them a change of clothes, some slipper shoes, and some bedding for sleeping.

Pictured below is Mourine and Ann standing in the room we are constructing for them. Then pictured is Haron, and from left to right: Ann, Mourine and Francis standing outside the house. Tomorrow we will investigate putting them in primary school.

If it weren’t for you donors, these orphans would have continued to suffer. But now they will have a much better childhood, with food in their bellies, clothes on their back, clean water from the recently dug well, and a loving environment to grow up in. When Ian, Ibu and Nehemiah (three of the other orphans at Sengera House) returned home from school today, they immediately befriended the children and made them feel quite at home.

Next I want to report on John Ogada’s group in Ramula, Kenya. We visited them during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. All the brethren there are doing well, and send their highest greetings to all of you. We brought them additional Bibles that they had requested, and six pairs of reading glasses.  Kenyan’s eyes, as do most, begin to fail around age forty.  Our message focused on the need for all of us to come out of sin and walk this earth uprightly, doing the things that are pleasing in our Father’s sight.  The message was well received, and was followed by a meal of koko (chicken) and rice.

Reaching Ramula was quite eventful. As we approached the City of Kisii, the Matatu we were traveling on came to an abrupt stop and the conductor ordered all of us to immediately vacate the vehicle. He said there were men approaching, and if they didn’t immediately turn the vehicle around it would be overturned and burned. As we exited we found ourselves in the midst of a mob of rioters who were stocking themselves up with stones for throwing. I’m not sure what they were rioting about, but they had no interest in us as we walked through them and proceeded to find another means of transportation.

After leaving Ramula, we headed to Mombasa to visit Elijah Mutie’s group in Sigma Hills. We haven’t visited them in about three years. They are located deep in the bush, approximately 2 1/2 hours via motor bike. Along the way we passed a wild elephant taking a bath in a small pond, a herd of giraffes, and a herd of zebra. Our motor bike managed to break down, so we proceeded part of the journey on foot. The group there also send all of you their highest greetings. They are doing well and still quite rich in faith. Our message addressed the count to Pentecost, and how we need to be watching and ready for our Lord’s return.

I will be in Kenya until June 2nd and will continue to visit the groups here. Concerning donation receipts, please be patient, we will send them as soon as possible.

Your brother in Christ

bill Goff