December 2016

Greetings Brethren,

Hoping that our Heavenly Father is keeping you well & whole as we patiently await the return of our Lord and Savior. Greetings to you from our Kenyan Brethren. I’m writing this short letter to update you concerning the work we are involved in over here in Kenya. As some know, We have been working here at the Sengera House (our small orphanage) for a few Months now, and also continuing to visit remote church groups that are scattered around the bushes of this impoverished E. African country.

I want to mention to those of you who have recently joined hands with us and sent some contributions to Kenya Hands of Hope (KHOFH), your donations were much appreciated, and put to good use. My priority after returning to the States (and seeing my wife Marie) will be to send out donation receipts. (Thank you for you patience concerning the receipts.) This round in Kenya, the Internet was nearly unusable in many areas due to poor network. Although while passing through the city of Kisumu, we were able to get some videos posted to our YouTube channel. Hope you will have a look: just go to home page of our website and click on “YouTube Channel”

The small outdoor church kitchen that we have been working on is nearly complete now. It will be a big help to the brethren who trek on foot each week to attend Sabbath services here in Sengera, giving them opportunity to put something in their bellies before beginning their trek back home.

We also decided to give the children a treat during their time off from school for their long winter break. We brought them to the Kisii Sports Club for a swim (they loved it.) They also found some swings at the facility and really enjoyed playing on them (It was their first time on a swing.) They enjoyed it so much, I decided to make it a priority to build them a swing set at the orphanage. This past week we purchased some 2″ steel pipe, and began to construct one. Hope to have it completed next week.

Swimming at the Kisii Sports Club
Cutting the two inch steel pipe for the swing set.
We heat the pipe on a charcoal jiko
in order to bend & form the ends.
Sanding the pipes in preparation for painting

Thanks to you donors, these children are learning many skills. They are also eating well. It’s amazing how much weight they have put on (no longer skin & bones.)

The boys also poured a small slab of concrete in front of the girls toilet & shower.

These children are very energetic. The other day when we finished building the shelves, they disappeared. I went looking for them and found them pulling nails from the wood that we used to form the pillars for the kitchen. They are not lazy in any way, and quite eager to learn.

Building shelves in the store room:
Ugenya COG – Dec 17
Kept Sabbath today with the Brethren in Ugenya in Western Kenya
(very close to the Uganda border.)
Boys installing some chain link fence around garden
to keep chickens out.

Click here for the Kenya Hands of Hope Youtube video page: 2016