December 19, 2015

Greetings,It’s Sabbath morning December 19. It has been a very exciting (and also trying) week here in Kenya. First let me tell you a story about a man I met in a small village about three weeks ago while at the bank standing in line for a teller. The man next to me began a short conservation, asking me questions about why I was in Kenya and what church I was affiliated with. After learning I was independent nondenominational, he asked me why? After my response that the different denominations teach a lot of false doctrines, he became very interested and wanted to discuss further, but we were both in a hurry at the time (I was on my way to another part of Kenya) so we exchanged phone numbers and planned to meet again at a future time.

Well this week we met up and had a good discussion. (He is a retired teacher.) He had many questions, and fortunately I had many answers. As we talked he became very excited, taking lots of notes, writing down all the scriptures, and outlining everything that was addressed. As I concluded answering his questions, he looked at me, smiled, and said that he had previously heard everything that I told him. He said he heard the same teachings from a man on the radio approximately 50 years ago. When I asked him the man’s name, he couldn’t remember, but that it was the “Radio Church of a God.”

Small world right? I was so excited (especially after the way we meet so abruptly standing in line at the bank and kind of bonded right on the spot.) He’s invited me to his home, and wants to discuss more (and he wants to show me all the literature he received from “RCG.”) He said at the time, the Radio Church had no one in Kenya who could visit him, and now after 50 years, he’s finally going to get a visit. Praise God for opening up people’s eyes, and providing them with all of their needs.

We also had a busy week here as we continue building a much needed kitchen at the orphan house. Progress has been moving forward well, but slowly due to lack of funds to purchase some additional material. The walls, rafters, and metal roof is complete, and most of the work has been accomplished by the orphans themselves. But currently no funds to purchase the two metal windows and metal door.

Kitchen being built by the orphans themselves.
Orphans plastering walls.

Some of the funds this week went to one of the elderly widows here who was sick. She was advised by the doctor that she needed to eat fruit & vegetables, so we went to the local market and purchase her some.

We also met a cripple along the way who was struggling to walk with his one good leg (he was using a broken pair of crutches) and he didn’t hesitate to ask us if we would get him a new pair. We told him “Yes” and during the week, purchased him a new pair of crutches.

His right leg is totally impaired, and he was hobbling around on those broken crutches.
Thanks to you donors, KHofH was able to purchase him a new pair of crutches.

Today we spent Sabbath in Ougies Kenya, there is a small cog group here, some of the members go back as far as “Radio cog”. After morning services they requested we visit another Sabbath keeping group who meet in the local village who keep Sabbath but not the Holy Days.  We visited and gave a message about how Worldly holidays are pagan, and that Holy Days are Not done away, and Not feast of the Jews, but God’s Feasts. They were very respective to the message, and thanked us over & over for bringing them Truth. I asked them who had Bibles? Two raised their hands, so I promised to try and get them some additional copies.

All donations to KHofH go to help the impoverished brethren, no one here is on any kind of payroll. And please remember that no donation is to small. God has been Stretching the funds received. Our impoverished brethren need our help.

Your brother in Christ Jesus,
Bill Goff

From: William P Goff <>
Date: Friday, December 11, 2015 10:04 PM
Subject: Orphan House Construction in Singera Kenya moving forward.

Orphan House Construction in Singera Kenya (part 1)

Orphan House Construction in Singera Kenya (part 2)