Alfio La Spina

The Widow’s Mites

Sermon by Dave Rothwell10/19/2013 What Tom mentioned about the financial situation in this country is a good lead-in to this message. We are experiencing tremendous economic problems which have been masked somewhat, but they can’t forestall forever what’s coming. The treasury of the United States is empty. We are a debtor nation, and we are […]

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God’s Government

David Rothwell11/23/2013 By way of introducing this morning’s message, I want to do something with you that’s a little bit like word association. I’m going to give you a word, and I want you to take a moment and sit with that word, and feel what that word means to you. Just write down, or

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Asleep At The Switch

A Rewarding Trip to KenyaPart 1 of 2 William P Goff12/7/2013 Scriptures from the KJV Today I would like to begin to discuss my recent trip to Kenya. (I say begin, because I’m not going to complete this report today) there’s too much that needs to be said, and I feel it’s too important a subject to

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The Gift of Joy

orHow To Be Happy In An Unhappy World David Rothwell1/11/2014 Audio: Printable: I want to begin this morning by reading from the book of 1 John. 1 John 1:1-4: “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have

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What Is Sin?

David Rothwell2-22-2014 The passages that I’m going to go through, I think, are very familiar to all of us. There’re probably no passage that I’m going to bring up today that you’re not already very familiar with. But I want us to think about them in a way that is designed to try to answer

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You Are My Witnesses

William P Goff3-8-2014 Scriptures from the KJV I’d like to start today’s message with some I’m sure we are all familiar with idioms. No, no, Not Gideon’s, “Idioms” i-d-i-o-m-s. Idioms are defined as = a language or style of speaking that is kind of strange or odd to a people. (Let me give some examples 🙂 That assignment was

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Earnestly Contend For The Faith

Moses’ Seat William P Goff6-28-2014 Scriptures from the KJV When I was visiting a small congregation in Kenya a while back, a young man approached me and asked if it was okay for him to read literature that other organizations put out, now that he was fellowshipping with us. He was holding someone’s magazine at

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David Rothwell7/5/2014 In Luke 21, we find one of the shorter verses in the Bible. Jesus simply says, “In your patience possess you your souls.” The context of Jesus’ statement is, he’s answering his disciples’ question back in verse 7. He told them that there would come a time when the temple would be destroyed,

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Not only Desires But Also Required William P Goff8-9-2014 Scriptures from the KJV Here we are brethren, around the middle of summer, and for those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s a time when many are reaping an abundance of home grown fruits & vegetables. I know here in NJ, we’re know as

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Not only Desires But Also Required William P Goff9-27-2014 Scriptures from the KJV Well my message today is going to focus on a very important instruction that Christ gave His disciples. It concerns entrance doors to the Kingdom of Heaven, and whether we will find them “locked” barring entrance, or “open” allowing admittance. Christ gave

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