Alfio La Spina

Day 49

Sermon by Bill Goff Well here we are brethren, at the end of another week, and as we are commanded, we are congregating on the Sabbath day But today brethren is not just another typical weekly Sabbath day, today is quite a unique day for the church of God, Our Creator has a very important reason for […]

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VITWCOG 2/11/2012 William P Goff Scriptures from the KJV On December 7th 1941, at Fort Shafter’s radar-information station in Hawaii, two privates approached Army Air Forces’ First lieutenant Kermit Taylor. With much anxiety in their voices, they reported seeing a BIG BLIP on their radar screens (Indicating a large number of aircraft about 132 miles away

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Examine Yourself

(Preparation for the Passover) Well here we are brethren, at the beginning of another Year, with Passover rapidly approaching. I’d like to start today’s message by reading a verse in the book of 1st Ptr. In this letter, Peter was addressing the strangers (The elect of God that is) that were scattered throughout Asia Minor,

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Woe Unto The Inhabitants

Sermonette by Bill Goff Trumpets 2009 Time sure is flying by.  Here we are Feast of Trumpets. I was wondering the other day where the month of August went?  Seems like it just got started and it was over.  Then I asked myself: “Where did the summer go?” It seems like it just got started,

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Church Age Coming To A Close

Last Call For Repentance Sermon by Bill Goff Day 49 of the count to Pentecost is a very significant day for the COG. (Day 49) concerns the completion of something, Not the beginning of something, Not the transition of something, But the completion of something. And its something that directly concerns “us” (the First Fruits)And

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Birds Without Wings

Sermon by Bill Goff I had a wonderful trip visiting some of our brethren out there in Arizona; my flight flew into the Las Vegas Nevada. After landing, it didn’t take long to see why Las Vegas is called “sin city.” As you step foot off the airplane, Vegas greets you with row after row

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The Last Day Feast of Pentecost

Sermon by Bill GoffJune 8, 2013 Scriptures from the KJV Around 50 days ago or so, I started kind of a series of messages pertaining to the Spring Holy Days., trying to put the Spring Holy Days into some perspective. We noted back then, how the Spring Holy Days begin with the Passover, but don’t

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According To Thy Works

Sermon by Bill Goff7/27/2013 Scriptures from the KJV I’d like to start today’s message in 2 Timothy 3:16 (A very familiar verse too all of us, [I’m sure] 2 Timothy 3: 16  “All Scripture is by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction & for instruction in righteousness.” (Talk about a verse that is literally packed with some  deep & profound information, this particular one sure fits the bill – to say

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Where’s the Church?

Where’s the Church?&Who’s in it? Seeking Fruit in God’s Church Sermon by William P Goff8/24/2013 Audio: Printable: Scriptures from the KJV I live in New Jersey, it’s a State which is oftentimes viewed in peoples minds with “misconceptions”. Many people have a “preconceived notion” that NJ consists only of Asphalt Pavement & Oil Refineries, and it’s no wonder because the majority

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The Healing Power of Love

Sermon by Dave Rothwell8/24/2013 Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another”. I know that we’re all aware of the importance of love. Love is the first attribute of the Holy Spirit that’s mentioned in Galatians. We know that God is love. We

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