Alfio La Spina

July 13, 2019

Greetings Brethren, Hope all of you are well, both physically and more importantly spiritually as we patiently await the return of our Lord and Savior.  The Apostle Peter tells us: “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; But Is long suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, […]

July 13, 2019 Read More »

June 2, 2019

Scripture says if you don’t work, you don’t eat! Greetings Brethren, What a beautiful sight, to see the Sengera House Orphans hard at work in the garden. These children you donors are supporting are wonderful. This picture was taken after school on Wednesday May 29th. When asked if they could work a bit in the

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June 2, 2019

Greetings Brethren, I feel compelled to send out this letter of request, but PLEASE understand once again that this request is NOT for those few of you who have been continually assisting our impoverished Brethren. This letter is for those who are not aware of the cry for help that is coming from some of

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May 12, 2019

2019 Spring Feast Greetings dear Brethren and loving friends in Christ Jesus, It another warm moment here little rain and little sun, hereby like to pass my appreciation on behalf of E. Africa Brethren. We are much thankful for your support for the Passover and Unleavened Bread Feast. This year we had Feast in various

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May 4, 2019

Greetings Brethren, Greetings from Kenya, I am happy to report the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread went well here in E. Africa. The Brethren thank all of you who assisted them. (A full report with pictures will be posted as soon as it is completed.) April was a very busy Month here in Kenya,

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April 11, 2019

Greetings Brethren,Hope all of you are well, as you prepare for the upcoming Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread.  We here in E. Africa are also trying to prepare for the upcoming Feast, but are struggling to do so.  There will be a total of ten sites keeping this years Spring Feast here in Kenya

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March 23, 2019

Voice In The Wilderness COG & Kenya Hands of Hope March 23 2019 Update Greetings Brethren, Hope all of you are well both physically and more importantly spiritually, as we patiently await the return of our Lord, and the “Midnight Cry” of Matthew 25 announcing His coming. When we take into consideration the condition of

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March 1, 2019

The Gospel continues to move forward here in Kenya. John Omweno and Charles Mokoro have been visiting new groups. In Nyabigege, Kenya (just outside of Rongo) besides bringing teachings last Sabbath, Charles also brought them some Bibles to add to the ones I distributed a few Months ago. A lady who supports Bible distribution came

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February 5, 2019

The orphans at “Sengera House Orphanage” in Kenya want to say thank you to those whom have been supporting them. These church orphans came to us from various cog groups around Kenya. They arrive at different times, but in the same “heart wrenching” condition: skin & bone hungry (starving actually) wearing only the worn out

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January 1, 2019

Greetings from Kenya, hope all of you are doing well? 2018 has been a busy and productive year here in Kenya. Much has been accomplished at the “Sengera House” orphanage. We now have a total of nineteen orphans (nine girls and ten boys.)  school will begin on January 3rd. Sixteen will be returning to grammar school, and

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