Alfio La Spina

August 29, 2020

Greetings Brethren, We thank our Heavenly Father for the Good works of you Donors, which continue to Glorify Him. The painting of the boys house is now complete. What a blessing for these orphaned boy’s to have such a beautiful home to live in. They appreciate all of you donors Very much. The entire construction […]

August 29, 2020 Read More »

August 7, 2020

Greetings Brethren, Hope all of you are well and being protected and cared for by our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, as we patiently await our Lord’s return. I pray we continue to grow in grace and knowledge of Him, and learn and walk more and more in our Father’s wonderful ways. This world

August 7, 2020 Read More »

July 4, 2020

Greetings Brethren, Hope all of you are faring well during these trying times, as we patiently await the return of our Lord and Savior.  We thank our Heavenly Father for continuing to protect us, and bless all those who are His. It’s comforting to know that He has placed us in the hands of our

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July 8, 2020

Greetings, As many of you know, we had posted a new update on July 4,2020 at: As you can see in that report, many good things have been accomplished here at the Sengera House Orphanage, and we Thank those of you who have been assisting and supporting. We know that our Heavenly Father will

July 8, 2020 Read More »

June 6, 2020

Greetings Brethren Greetings from Kenya. We thank our Heavenly Father And all of you donors who have been caring for our impoverished Brethren here in a Kenya. Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ thank you from the bottom of their hearts for the relief you have given them. Even through the trials and suffering at

June 6, 2020 Read More »

May 12, 2020

Greetings Brethren, Hope all of you are fairing well during this time of trouble. Let us remember that our Heavenly Father, the one who is aware of each and every sparrow, is also aware of each and everyone of us. Let us thank Him for the abundant love, concern and protection He continues to give

May 12, 2020 Read More »

April 30, 2020

Greetings Brethren, Greeting from your Brethren in Kenya. Let us thank our Heavenly Father for continuing to care for, direct, and protect those who are His. We need to see His Mighty Hands at work more and more in these trying times in which we are living. I hope all of you are doing well

April 30, 2020 Read More »

March 28, 2020

Greetings from Sengera Kenya. Hope all of you are fairing well under the wings of our Heavenly Father who has blessed us, and promises to protect us, no matter the circumstance. We here in Kenya are doing well. Much has transpired in the past few weeks due to the precautions the Kenya Government has taken

March 28, 2020 Read More »

February 22, 2020

SPECIAL REPORT Gospel continues to spread in Kenya, even by some of our students at Sengera House Orphanage. The orphans are not only learning much about the Scriptures, but the older ones are spreading their beliefs at school, and its being well received and bearing fruit. I received this letter from Nehemiah Sibwoga, (Nehemiah is

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February 1, 2020

Greetings Brethren, It’s been six Months since the fire which destroyed the boy’s dormitory at the church orphanage in Sengera, Kenya. I am happy to inform you that thanks to the Love of our Creator, and the prayers and support of all of you who have been assisting, the rebuilding is coming along quite well.

February 1, 2020 Read More »