Alfio La Spina

What Are The Wages Of Righteousness?

The wages of sin, as Romans 6:23 tells us, is death; but what are the wages of righteousness? Or is there any wage paid for being righteous? Can one earn anything by overcoming sin and becoming righteous? Righteousness, or right doing, is the opposite of sin. And of course the opposite of death is life. So if sin results […]

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Jesus, The Man!

  Well here we are brethren, already past this years feast of Unleavened Bread and now counting to our day; the day of Pentecost.  Time sure is flying by for the members of the church of God.  In John 1:14 we are told: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the

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The Word – Jesus

Even though the bible is very explicit about the life and nature of Jesus Christ, He has  of late become a topic which is a mystery to the majority; and why?        A great majority are those who hold to the lie of Eden, that apart from God, human beings can produce their own knowledge and

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Time to Count

We have completed Passover and the of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Spring feast that last’s for seven days or one week. We know the feast days picture the plan of God and by keeping them we gain a better understanding of our Creator and His plan for mankind.        God’s feast days are

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Be Ye Warmed And Filled

 Are we obligated to help the poor? We’ve all seen them – standing outside a fast-food restaurant or on a street corner, perhaps sitting near a subway or bus station — poor people, probably homeless, asking for money. Oftentimes we just walk or drive on by. We might feel a little bad about not donating,

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What Is The Day Of Pentecost?

What Is The Day Of Pentecost? Every Christian religion teaches about the Day of Pentecost as told in Acts 2:1. “and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they (the disciples) were all with one accord in one place. Immediately in this verse there are three questions we need answered? 1. What is the

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Renewing The Mind

Renewing The Mind by Bill Goff        A big part in preparing and choosing an article or message is: choosing the subject. Sometimes it can be challenging. Not because there’s a shortage of things to talk about or areas to address, but because there is so much to talk about and so many areas to

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The Resurrections of The Dead

By Mark Rusinko September 21, 2017 This study questions whether the doctrine of the second Resurrection is accurate when compared to a number of scriptures on the subject. We have said that the first resurrection occurs at the coming of  Messiah and that the second resurrection –the rest of the Dead–occurs after the Millennium when

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The Fearful, and Unbelieving

What is the Significance of the Day of Atonement By Charles Post December 15, 2017     These 2 unacceptable character flaws are the first 2 listed in Revelation 21:8, which is a categorized list of those who will partake of the lake which burns with fire and brimstone. The present day world is full of fearful and unbelieving

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