Alfio La Spina

October 11, 2022

Greetings Brethren, Greetings from Kenya where 876 brethren are Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles at 9 separate sites.  I kept the first day at Sengera House with approximately 60 in attendance.  When I arrived just before services began, I found the brethren eating breakfast which consisted of sliced bread and tea. They were so happy […]

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October 11, 2022

Greetings Brethren, Greetings from Kenya where 876 brethren are Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles at 9 separate sites.  I kept the first day at Sengera House with approximately 60 in attendance.  When I arrived just before services began, I found the brethren eating breakfast which consisted of sliced bread and tea. They were so happy

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Coming Out of Babylon Day by Day

Thomas C. Trinka March 7, 2015 Friends, in my last message I strove to point out that all of us are currently living in a world, or better stated immersed in a world, which God defines as Babylon the Great. It is a worldwide system that will reach it’s zenith just before it’s utter destruction,

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Babylon the Great

by Thomas C. Trinka  January 17, 2015  Last week Mark Rusinko sang a song he had written called “Come Out of Babylon My People” And it just so happens that is the subject I want to expand on today. So to begin, please turn with me to Revelation 18:1 After these things I saw another angel

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A Friend of God

By Thomas C. Trinka June 30, 2015 Last time I spoke, we covered scriptures revolving around the truism found in Proverbs. 23.7, which states simply “For as a person thinks in his heart, so is he” And so, we covered the point of viewing ourselves as scripture dictates, that is, viewing ourselves from the perspective of

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The God of Israel

By Thomas Trinka ttrinka57@gmail.com23 October 3, 2022 So, I just want to say at the outset, that this message may at first be a bit upsetting to some of your long held doctrinal beliefs. I understand that, as Mr. Armstrong famously said, it’s harder to unlearn something that we have thought to be true, then

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September 27, 2022

Greetings Brethren, I arrived in Kenya safe and sound (thank you for your prayers.) Found the children at Sengera House in good health and high spirits. Schools had just closed for the end of the second term, so they were all home. They send you their Highest Greetings. We kept the Feast of Trumpets with

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Are we Walking With God?

by Alfio La Spina March 2017 Think about how Abraham handled difficult situations. Abraham had complete trust in God. When God told him to go to a place that He would show him he went and he did not concern himself about where he was going. He had complete trust that God would take care

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