August 3,2017

Greetings Brethren,

Let us praise our Almighty Father and His Beloved Son for continuing to bless the work we are involved in here in E. Africa. I am happy to report that the orphans living at Sengera House continue to be well cared for thanks to the supporters of Kenya Hands of Hope. Also, our two new residents (Manley and his sister Jemimah) have settled in well, they instantaneously became part of the family here. It’s just wonderful how all the children get along so well, with no bickering, jealousy or animosity of any sort.

School has closed for the Month of August, giving the students a break between semesters. So as usual, we plan to be involved with additional projects. One on the list is to build another rocket stove, this one will be for “Margaret” the Widow residing in Ogembo where we build her the new mud house. Another project involves the car the Kenya authorities have required us to have. Thanks to the donations that have already come in, we were able to purchase a very nice used Nissan (pictured below) for a cost of $4,000. Now we just need to build a small car port to protect from the intense sun. That project has already begun. The boys have poured a slab of concrete, and soon as we have a few more funds we will purchase some steel pipe, some timbers, and some metal sheets for the roof.As many of you know, we have been teaching the boys numerous trades, from carpentry, masonry, painting and more. They have had plenty of “hands on” experience. As for the girls, our hope is to purchase for them a singer sewing machine. We have someone here at the camp who is quite capable of teaching them how to use it. Our goal is to prepare all these orphans to become self supportive.

Currently Kenya is scheduled for presidential elections next week. Many are anticipating rioting. Even this past Thursday I was in Nairobi and witnessed many trying to flee the City before any trouble begins. The bus booking offices were completely booked and turning people away. So please keep our impoverished brethren in your prayers, asking for Our Heavenly Father’s protection. (During the riots following the 2007 election, much blood was shed here in Kenya, as some put it back then that “people were dying like hens”.) But most of all, let’s us pray “Thy Kingdom Come” because His coming kingdom is the only solution to the monumental problems of this untoward world.

Today (Sabbath 8-5-17) I visited our brethren in Nyamaruma church group. After services we discussed how they are currently suffering from a lack of food. They requested if we could supply them with some maze seeds because the time of planting is now, but they have no seeds. I told them yes, that we will purchase them some seeds tomorrow. We also promised an elderly widow there some rice (she hadn’t eaten in over a day.) Upon returning to Sengera, I found Bernard (the eldest son of Margaret the Ogembo widow) his Mom and siblings did not attend services today. When I inquired why, he replied that they also had no food, and were too weak to trek on foot the multiple kilometer distance to church. We sent Bernard home with some potatoes, rice, sugar, a few oranges, and some tea leaves.

Brethren, our Kenyan brethren are really suffering. There is not only much famine here, but also an outbreak of cholera. Please keep them in your prayers.

Your brother in Christ
bill Goff

Sengara Vehicle

Sengera Orphanage’s newly purchased vehicle. We thank those of you who donated, so very very much. The vehicle will be a big help here, especially when purchasing supplies.

Pouring Concrete
Harvesting Peanuts
Nyamaruma church sending greetings.

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: William P Goff
To: Bob Born
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 5:39 AM
Subject: Food Distribution

Received the following pictures from Michael Mbogo that he took of the food relief funds we sent from khofh. His area Nyakachi, Kenya has been in famine conditions for long time. Your donations to khofh have eased the brethren’s suffering there numerous times.

Begin forwarded message:

From: mbogo michael
Date: 3 August 2017 at 6:59:03 PM EAT
To: bill Goff

hello, Elder William, receive the attachment below from Elder Michael Mgogo

Photo one
Shows the brethrens as they carry the relief foods after being distributed.
Photo two
Shows the brethrens on the front side of the building hall.
Photo three
Shows Elder Martin, Michael and the brethrens inside the meeting hall structure
Photo four
Shows the brethrens and the unfinished meeting hall structure.