August 29, 2020

Greetings Brethren,

We thank our Heavenly Father for the Good works of you Donors, which continue to Glorify Him. The painting of the boys house is now complete. What a blessing for these orphaned boy’s to have such a beautiful home to live in. They appreciate all of you donors Very much. The entire construction project was completed slightly under budget, as our Father continues to stretch the funds that are received.

Sengera House Boy’s new living quarters is now complete.

Schools are still closed in Kenya due to the virus, so the children continue to do all of their studies at home. We purchase their school lessons twice a week at the Cyber in the nearby village of Ogembo.

Working on their school lessons

The children also continue working on their Bibles lessons. They have been studying both the old WWC “Youth Bible Lessons” for the younger children, and those in High School are studying the “Bible Correspondence Course” this material has been a real blessing to them.

Nehemiah at the Cyber printing Bible lessons.

The children also continue to work hard in the garden. They recently harvested their maize (corn) and immediately began preparing the ground to plant more crops.

Planting Kale & cabbage

We also continue to provide Bible lessons to Kelvin and his 5 siblings. They are doing well, and very thankful to you donors for all the help you have given them, especially for all the Biblical Truths they are learning from these lessons. They never had their own Bible, and on top of that (as you can see in the picture below) to have these simple, clear, Lessons guiding them through the Scriptures is just Fascinating to them.

Kelvin and his siblings studying the youth Bible lessons.

We (KHofH) also continue to assist many church widows with food assistance. It has been a bit challenging to do so, but so far we have been able to continue the program. You donors are such a blessing to our widows and orphans. It testifies to how the “Love of God” dwelleth in you.

I want to update you on a boy named Thomas. You may recall back in January I wrote about how Nehemiah had been witnessing to his classmates in High School concerning the Scriptures. They enjoyed his teachings very much, and frankly fascinated by what they were learning. And not only were some of the students fascinated, but even a couple of the teachers were also listening in and intrigued by the teachings, they even commented that “church of God” knows the Bible better than anyone else.

About six of the students began attending Sabbath services back then at the orphanage. It was too far to walk, so they had to hire motorbike taxi’s to bring them each week. One Sabbath morning, tragedy struck. One of the bikes carrying two of the students crashed, one boy “Isaac” was killed instantly, and the other boy “Thomas” along with the driver was badly injured.

Today Thomas walks with crutches. And, like Kelvin, He is also head of his household, caring for his three young siblings (2 boys and 1 girl.) Their parents both died a number of years ago. 15% of households in Kenya are headed by and orphan sibling. 700 children in the country are orphaned every day (that is a child every two minutes.) You donors have been assisting Thomas and his siblings. Nehemiah stays in close contact with them, and with some of the donated funds (and the help of brother Alfred up in Canada) they have started a chicken project, including building a coup. KHofH has also provided this orphaned family with some food as they were starving. Thomas and his siblings are very appreciative to you donors for the help you have given them. I believe God has brought these young families into contact with us (the cog) to teach them His way now, calling them now, so they also, like us, can be teachers in the coming kingdom. When they study the scriptures along with these lessons, it’s quite obvious that their eyes are being opened, and only our Heavenly Father is capable of opening up eyes.

That’s Nehemiah with Thomas and his siblings standing in front of the chicken coup. This Sabbath will be Thomas’ first time back to services after the accident.

Now let me report on young Timothy, as many of you know he was injured a few weeks ago, struck in the head by a falling banana tree. As you can see in the picture below, he is home, recuperating at the orphanage. He still cannot talk, and swallowing is also quite difficult. As noted by our church sister Marilee, Head injuries take a long time to heal. Ibu has been caring him, helping him to eat, shower, dress etc. He has been mushing foods, making them easier for Timothy to swallow. We want to thank all of you who have been praying for Timothy. Thanks to your prayers, we know that he will have a full recovery.

Ibu (with his Big Heart) is the perfect one to be caring Timothy.


Oh, forgot to mention that James fell this week and broke his arm. He was playing soccer. Academically, at 14 years old, he is Top of his class. I just spoke to him on the phone, he says he is okay, and doing good.

So Brethren, let me once again say Thank You for continuing to assist our impoverished Brethren, especially the widows and Many orphans. You continue to ease their suffering tremendously.

Your brother in Christ.
Bill Goff