August 2016

Greetings Brethren,

I would like to bring you up-to-date on what we are accomplishing in Kenya presently but first I would like to present some statistics on the poverty level and the large number of orphans that exist in the county.

Kenya has the third highest number of HIV/AIDS orphans in the world, estimated at 890,000. Kenya has a shockingly large number of HIV/AIDS victims.  Many mothers and fathers leave their young ones with neighbors or grandparents.  This causes a heavy burden on the caretakers because of their limited ability to care for an additional child.  More than 1000 people die daily due to HIV/AIDS in Kenya, this doesn’t include the number of deaths caused by Malaria, accidents, tribal (ethnic) wars and other diseases. Statistically, the number of orphans is growing, in Kenya, and Africa as a whole.

Kenya has 0.16% of these orphans i.e. 1 million orphans are living either in the streets, with the villagers, or with relatives in Kenya. More than 27 million people south of the Sahara are living with HIV/AIDS and, as the disease progresses, are likely to leave more than 2 million orphaned children. As this epidemic increases, there will be innumerable orphans wandering the streets in Kenya & East Africa. These destitute children are found in villages and on city streets.

Several things can happen to children when their parents die from these diseases. It is very common,  in many Kenyan streets and villages, to find these destitute children along the highways and on the street corners desperately begging for a shilling.  Some live at the municipal town garbage bins where they scavenge for any remains of scraps of food.  Others will be found sniffing glue, as a way to kill hunger pains.  Many of the young girls start prostitution at a very early age, as young as 10 years old, to seek a living.  Other street children turn into pick-pockets and thieves.

Our orphans at Sengera

Large percentage of Kenya’s population are children 14 yrs and younger

0-14 years: 42.1% (male 9,494,983/female 9,435,795)
15-24 years: 18.7% (male 4,197,382/female 4,202,399)
25-54 years: 32.8% (male 7,458,665/female 7,302,534)
55-64 years: 3.7% (male 751,296/female 910,523)
65 years and over: 2.7% (male 548,431/female 708,048) (2014 est.)

With these statistics it’s no wonder why the children out number the adults in all of our church of God groups there in Kenya.  We are helping many of the church orphans, and also assisting numerous true church widows.  To date, we are currently supporting twenty orphans with food, clothing and housing in Sengera.  Many of these orphans have been brought to us from some of the church of God groups who have no means of sustaining them.  Without your donations to Kenya Hands of Hope, this would not be possible.

We are also teaching the orphans many life skills such as; Carpentry, Electrical, painting, and planting crops.  We also have taught them to build what is called a “Rocket-stove” which is a very efficient wood burning stove made out of bricks.  These stoves can be marketed and made for a profit.

We are also providing the orphans with the ability to receive an education; paying for tuition, books and uniforms.  Many of them express how happy they are to go to school and wear a uniform, which gives them a sense of pride and self-worth.

All in all they love being at the orphanage which gives them a sense of security and a safe environment in which they can grow and develop.

In addition to the orphanage we have assisted many of the brethren who find themselves with malaria or other diseases that are very debilitating, by providing medicines and hospital stays if necessary.

Shelters have also been built for the various groups of scattered Brethren in the country.  These have been used for Sabbath services, protecting them from the hot Sun and the elements.

Finally, we have provided food for the widows and other brethren who otherwise would not have anything to eat and have dug wells for fresh water.

I have listed these activities to show what has been done with the funds you have so graciously sent to Kenya Hands of Hope. But there is still a need for continued support of our efforts.

We have some current challenges which need addressing.  This concerns the newly constructed girl’s orphanage in Sengera; we need some fencing around the building, some solar power to provide lighting and an additional latrine needs to be constructed.

Concerning the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles there is a substantial need of food to have on hand for the brethren during the eight days.

If you are able to help out financially to the above requests that would answer our prayers tremendously.  Your donation goes a long way in Kenya.  Thank you in advanced for your continued support.

Thank You

Bill Goff
Director Kenya Hands of Hope