August 2015

Greetings Brethren,

Let us Thank and Praise Our Almighty Father for continuing to Stretch the funds received at “Kenya Hands of Hope” (KHofH) as we assist our impoverished Brethren and preach the Gospel to the world.

Finances here, we are currently quite dry. Many of our African brethren continue to hunger, so we have been assisting them to purchase some maze and some beans. Yesterday was market day here and we used some khofh funds to clothe two orphans, and shoe another.

Have also been busy teaching some of the orphan boys to build “Rocket Stoves” using bricks & mortar.

Nehemiah & Brian (Two orphans at Sengera) learning how to build “Rocket Stoves” to earn their daily bread

Nehemiah & Brian no sooner finished building rocket stove, and move on to making masonry planter.

Masonry Planter

When the boys finished the Rocket Stove, another boy picked up a twig of wood and drew on front of the stove? I asked him if he was an artist, he laughed and said “no”. I brought him inside and gave him a blank piece of paper and a pen……. 30 minutes later he had completed this drawing, right down to the solar panel on the roof (I was totally amazed.)

Rocket Stove drawing

As for playing Tom Kerry’s update, I do have Internet on my IPad, just have to figure how to amplify. Will address that when I reach Masaba next week.

Biggest problem at the moment, is funds to finish the construction of two buildings that are needed for Feast…… One is at Masaba feast site (The new meeting hall) building is complete except for doors & windows. ($375. needed to finish.)

Other building is at Sengera feast site.

Sengera Feast Housing

This building is needed for feast goers to sleep in. (The building will also be used during the year to house some of our Widows.) ($2,000. Needed to finish.)

Your brother in Christ.

Bill Goff